Citizens to Protect PA Jobs

12 Mar

Citizens to Protect PA Jobs is a broad-based coalition of businesses and concerned Pennsylvanians dedicated to advancing smart policies that promote job creation and economic growth.

The goals of the initiative are to educate the general public about the issues that impact job creation (when businesses add jobs, people and communities prosper) and to provide an effective way for them to take action.

Visitors to will be able to sign up for issue alerts and contact their elected officials to take action as needed. The first phase of the initiative — development of the website — is now complete. 

Card Check is the first content issue that this coalition is addressing. The issues featured on the website and calls to action will be periodically updated as activity at the state and federal level requires. Additional content and enhancements will be coming in the future.

Check out the website, and be sure to tell your friends and family! 

For those who have not heard, the bills were filed in both the US House and Senate on Tuesday, March 10. H.R. 1409 and S. 560

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